A Call to Ministry

A Call to Ministry

Hello, my name is Brianna Kingsbury and I have a call to ministry. I am from Wayland, which is 30 minutes South of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have a Medical Office Management Associates Degree from Ross Medical Education Center. Currently, I am a church secretary at a small church in Wayland and attend a different church nearby. I am a divorced single mother of three young boys and am in a serious relationship with a wonderful man.

My Youth and Marriage

I grew up in a family that went to church most Sundays, and we prayed as a family when we had people over. My parents created the image that we were Christians, but I never felt God’s presence in our home. I can’t remember ever not believing in God. I’ve always known God was real and that he sent his son to die for us. I believe that Jesus rose again and saved us from our sins. There was never a doubt in my mind about that. However, due to how I was raised, I never realized how much of my relationship with God was missing.

As I graduated from High School and got married the following year, I thought my life was pretty great. We continued on the tradition of going to church some Sundays and praying when we remembered to do it. Over the years, we had two boys, and things were changing in our family. Besides the dynamics of being parents and having children running around, something was missing in our marriage and our household. My husband grew distant and did not want to be at home with his wife and kids. Fights happened far too regularly, and ultimately, there was no happiness.

Pastoral Care for Our Marriage

My spouse and I decided to speak with our Pastor to get some help to get back on track. We had a great meeting, so I felt like we were on the right path back. In those moments, I decided to build a relationship with God. I asked the Pastor for some devotional books to help me through some of the emotions I was experiencing at that time. I still remember the one that I did, a study on the book of Ruth about never quitting.

The study guided me through personal struggles, struggles in my marriage, and even with other things in my life. It helped me to not quit on my marriage, no matter what was happening. I began to bring my issues and problems to God. I learned to trust in him. It didn’t take much for me to realize that the way I grew up was missing a massive part of life. Being a Christian was so much more than just believing in God. I needed to talk with God, listen to God, and to walk with Him.

During the next few months, my marriage seemed to be thriving. So, we decided we were ready to continue expanding our family and found ourselves pregnant with our third boy. But halfway through my pregnancy, everything changed in the blink of an eye.

Marriage Ended and Personal Growth

My husband told me that he is done with our marriage and wants a divorce. I fought for him, trying to figure out what he needed and how to make this whole again. I found myself trying to figure out what went wrong as I thought things were going well. He decided to work long hours and some times wouldn’t even come home at night. He said he spent the night at a friend’s house, something we didn’t do in our marriage (we always come home at night).

I continued to pray and fight for my marriage, even as I began to question if there was another woman. About a month went by, and he admitted that he had a girlfriend (and had several affairs before that). At that point, I was lost. I didn’t know if I should still fight for my husband or let go. I had no idea what to do and spent most nights crying myself to sleep in prayer to God.

Weeks later, my husband moved his mistress into our house. It took me a month of living there with them before I could finally get myself and the kids a place to live on our own. The following month, I gave birth to our third child. Fast forward, we divorced, and God has never left me or forsook me. He stayed by my side and provided for the kids and me time and time again. He built up a beautiful Christian Community around me.

New Beginnings 

I found a part-time job as a church secretary so that I could be a hands-on mother with my boys. I could be there for school drop-offs and pick-ups. My church has been nothing but warm and loving, no matter my circumstances. Here I am nearly three years after my ex-husband said he was done, and I have a wonderful life. I do not advocate for divorce, but God has shown me a new path since I remained faithful no matter what happened to my kids and me.

Since the devotional book was handed to me, I have been building a healthy walk with God in the year before my life came crashing down. I changed my life from “just believing in God,” to LIVING FOR GOD.

After my divorce, I had no idea what was going to happen or what God had in store for me. But over time, He led me to a wonderful Christian man, with whom I hope to spend my life. Together, we are creating a Christ-centered relationship between the two of us and with the children. Sunday is our favorite day of the week, as we often can not wait to get back to church. We pray together all the time and continue to dive deep into the Bible and our devotions. We have been together for almost a year now, and I cannot wait to see where God leads us next.

My Prayer and A Call to Ministry

Over the last six months, I’ve begun praying the prayer, “Help me to want what you want. Help me to love what you love.” It’s inspired by something my Pastor said in a sermon last spring. It helps me stop asking for only the things I want or think I need. The prayer helps me to focus on God and what he wants me to do. It is a scary prayer, as following God is not always easy.

That prayer challenges me to do things I never imagined doing myself. But that is the beauty of it. I am not doing it alone. The Holy Spirit is inside of me, and I will do God’s work for His glory! Since beginning that prayer, I felt God nudging me and guiding me to pursue ministry. I am to be a minister to my children and a Christian example for them. I am to learn how to have a Christian marriage (someday – preparing myself for when it happens), but also to do more.

Free Ministry Training for a Call to Ministry

I know and believe that we are called to advance the Kingdom of God – a call to ministry. God is calling me to study Ministry so that I can work for God above and beyond my work as a church secretary. I’m not exactly sure where God will place me in a call to ministry. It may be in women’s ministries of some sort. I know that God is saying start now and trust in the path, even if I can’t see the finish line yet. Currently, I am taking the classes at Christian Leaders Institute that equal out to the Bachelor of Ministry. However, down the road, I will decide if I want to get an official degree or simply have the training.

With a call to ministry, the free training is necessary for me. Especially as I am a single mom with three boys. I have a part-time church salary and can not afford to pay for college. This free training at CLI helps me to be adequately trained for the voluntary ministry that I know God is calling me to do. Since I won’t be getting paid to do it, I can’t afford to go into debt for it. I am so thankful for this program and can not wait to see where it leads me. Thank you, CLI!

Learn about the degree programs at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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