Free Bible School Study

My name is Maxine Lovell, and I am thankful for the free Bible School study opportunity at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here). I am from the United Kingdom.

My Formative Years

I was not raised in a Christian home and spent my formative years in a children’s home. Then, eventually, I went to live with my grandparents at the age of seven. I don’t have any good memories of my childhood. It felt like being a second-class citizen and not part of a family unit. However, that all changed when I accepted Jesus into my life at the age of 18. He blessed me with loving Christian people who loved me and accepted me as I was.

Saved From an Untimely Death

Before my transformation, I was at a vulnerable point in my life. Often, I thought of committing suicide. My mental state was on the decline. I went through years of abuse, and I was at the stage of just wanting to die.

I remember the day well. It was a Tuesday evening in August of 1983. I slipped out of the house to go and see one of my college friends. I wanted to see her one last time before ending it all. On my way back home from her house, I meet a guy I had seen a few times at the college I attended. He said he was on his way to a prayer meeting and wanted to know if I would like to attend. The house where the meeting was to be held was only up the road from where I lived. So I said sure. I had nothing to lose.

It was the turning point in my life. I needed hope and something to live for. I found it that night in Jesus. Having Jesus in my life made my living environment bearable. However, I eventually had to move out of where I was living. So, I went to live with a lady from my church because my home situation affected my walk with God.


Two years later, I met my wonderful husband at the church I attended. We married over 34 years ago now. We have three wonderful adult children and a grandchild.

The scripture, which says God will restore the years taken, has been a reality in my life (Joel 2:25). It took several years of receiving prayer and counseling due to the damages that I encountered as a child, the love of my husband and children, and the Church family. They have all been such tremendous support in my healing and deliverance.

Called to Christian Leadership

I am still growing and trusting in God. However, it is not always easy due to the complexity of life and the daily challenges I face at work, in my community, at church, and in my home life. God has opened many doors of opportunity. I have also been involved in teaching, preaching, counseling, prayer ministry, missions, and leading worship.

In 2001, I took a healing and deliverance course, which was a healing ministry for myself. Following my training, God instructed me to comfort those in any trouble by the comfort wherewith (I) we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:4). This led me to work voluntarily for a Christian Ministry as an associate prayer counselor. A few years later, I got involved in mission work in West Africa, supporting orphanage work and women’s ministry.

Spiritual Dream

I went through a period of discouragement following an orphanage project I was involved in falling apart. At around the same time, I left the church I attended for some years with my family. I have since found it difficult to get back into God’s call or settle into a church family. Whether I left my church prematurely, I don’t know. However, I know that there is still a lot to do in God’s Kingdom, and I want to be involved in it.

My dream is to continue working with orphans and those that are in need. I have the opportunity in my day job to work with those that are at risk of homelessness or are already homeless. Although some people see it as just a job, it is part of my Christian service in the Kingdom of God.

Studying at the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) will be instrumental in helping me find more of God’s purpose and plan for my life. The free Bible School study opportunity at CLI will help me serve in the church, evangelism, and the wider community. I am to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to those that have not experienced him.


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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