Women’s Ministry Call Story

Following my Women’s Ministry call from God, I found the Christian Leaders Institute for free ministry training online. I am so humbled and honored to be a part of the Christian Leaders Ministries family!

My name is Jacqueline Crawley, and I am a servant leader for Christ. I am 28 years old. Originally from California, USA, God has moved me to Virginia, USA. Virginia is where I met my amazing husband, Josh. We recently moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, and God has blessed us with two amazing children of God.

I am currently a registered nurse and work in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.) I am a contract nurse for the government, so I only serve our military families, which is such a blessing.

My Introduction to God and Salvation

I did not grow up in the church and was not taught who God is. However, life taught me to search for God. In high school, I became pregnant. My parents kicked me out after I graduated. I had no direction or purpose in my life. I knew going to college was the thing I was supposed to do. The father of my child asked his mom if she could take us in. She was a believer and told me that God told her to take us in. It was my first time learning the word God.

Since we lived with her, she took me to church weekly. I enjoyed the service and music. At first, I didn’t understand the terminology they used, until one day I did. The day I realized what they were saying is the day that I gave my life to Christ. I asked God to reveal His plan to me. He directed me towards nursing school. He paid for my college expenses and allowed me to get help with daycare expenses.

Women’s Ministry Call

After graduating from school, I became heavily involved in serving the church. I fell in love with serving. As I served, I also shared the story of my life. I had no idea that the God of grace is who delivered me from drugs and alcohol. I began to share how God healed me from sexual assault and bitterness from being a teen mother and a single mother. My story helped to bring many women to have a deepening relationship with God.

God began to place a passion and burden to teach women the word of God. Currently, I am an intern at my church and serve in the Women’s Ministry. God has called me to pursue pastoral leadership for Women’s Ministry! I am so eager and thrilled to finally be pursuing God’s Women’s Ministry call! I am so excited to be joining you all and learning at the Christian Leaders Institute. God is doing mighty things in His Kingdom, and I am so honored to be a witness for Christ as well as following where God is leading me!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.


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