Free Training for Ministry at CLI


My Journey to Free Training for Ministry

My name is Jerry Margiotta, and the following is my journey to free training for ministry at CLI. I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York (USA), in some of the toughest neighborhoods. I am presently living in Long Island, Suffolk County, New York. God had his hand on my life. Guiding and directing my path. Although I made some bad choices, His hand and His calling on my life were always there.

When He promises never to leave me nor forsake me, He never went back on His word. He never breaks his covenant. One of my favorite scripture verses is in Philippians 1:6  “be confident in this very thing that He who began a good work will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” I will stand on that promise and claim it over my life.

Early Life

I am the youngest of three children from both of my parents. Growing up as a child was extremely difficult. There was depression in my household. I was molested as a child and had my struggles with addictions. Cheated death more times than I can count on one hand, I give God all the glory! If it were not for His hand on my life, I would’ve died a long time ago.

At the age of eight years old, I had my first encounter with my Lord Jesus. Growing up as a Catholic, going to church on Sunday was just a ritual. I never understood what was going on due to the fact the mass was said in Latin. I remember as a child walking into the Catholic church when it was empty, I sat in the back of the church, asking, “God, where are you?” Then, I felt the overwhelming presence of God’s peace flooding over me, and tears filled my eyes. My desire, even at that young age, was to know more of the Lord.

Growing up as a teenager, I did not know why God was always on my mind. I remember hearing those taking the Lord’s name in vain. It offended me and made me defensive. I never knew or was involved with any Christians or that I needed to receive Christ as my Savior.

Marriage and Salvation in Christ

I remember dating my wife and having frequent conversations about the Lord. Then, when we got married, we planned to raise our family in a Godly home. My wife, Lori, had a similar experience as a child of three years old when the Lord revealed himself to Her. God certainly matched us together to serve as a team, and we have.

We both received Christ together. In January of 1977, my wife’s cousin, a born again Christian, was dying in the ICU unit in the hospital. As he was close to passing into eternity, the pastor of his church approached my wife and I. He shared the salvation and the redemption story of Jesus. I have never heard it explained to me that way. Quickly, I said yes and accepted Jesus into my heart. I realized it’s a relationship, not a religion.

My Spiritual Dreams and Free Training for Ministry at CLI

My spiritual dream and passion are to teach, start a home church, lead the lost to our Savior, and do men’s ministry, especially to those with addictions. The Lord also used me several times in healing. It is a desire of mine to be used for the hurting and those who need healing. God will use all of my failures in the past for those with similar struggles and circumstances. I am new, breaking through, and rising up for God’s call on my life. Here I am, Lord, send me!

Christian Leaders Institute will further my abilities, education, and growth in God’s word. At first, I was somewhat suspicious of this ministry because I had bad experiences with internet ministries. However, after taking the connection course at CLI, I saw that they have a firm foundation and a real love for serving in ministry. I hope to absorb as much as I can and to do more and more for God’s glory through CLI as I become more involved here.

Free training for ministry was a game-changer for me. Unable to pay expensive tuition fees, it was a confirmation of how I could advance and expand my knowledge of the word of God and not be unhindered by the cost. I will be one who gives back and not one who just takes. I support this ministry and help those who cannot afford legitimate Bible training. Blessings to you all! Thank you, CLI, for your obedience to our Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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