Licensed Wedding Officiant Courses
Free Licensed Wedding Officiant Courses at CLI
Hi, my name is Henry Baron, and I am taking licensed wedding officiant courses for free at the Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in the United States Virgin Islands on the island of ST. Thomas. I moved to South Florida in June of 1996 at the age of 16 and have loved it here ever since.
My Salvation
I was miraculously saved on September 28, 1997, while reading the Bible in my car on my lunch break. My Mom sent me that Bible despite the life I led. The break up of me and my high school sweetheart had left me feeling down. The Lord used this opening to reach me. For three days, the verse, “What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul?” kept replaying over and over in my mind.
Then on that last day, the Holy Spirit prompted me to take the Bible to work with me. I prayed and read the Bible on my lunch break for the first time in years. The Lord spoke to me out of Psalm 69, and the words just came alive to me. I rededicated my life to the Lord. Then, I went back in from my lunch break and began sharing Jesus with my co-workers! I couldn’t help it. I felt so light and new!
Struggles that Led to Salvation
I had grown up in the church but never understood a personal relationship with God because everything was religious. We attended a Baptist church for the majority of my childhood. When I was 13, we switched to the Pentecostal denomination. The church was all about the rules, so I lost interest as did my three brothers and sister.
My home was dysfunctional, and I wondered why I was even born. Shortly after that, I told God I did not want anything to do with Him. I became demon-possessed at that point even though I didn’t know it. Filled with hate for God, my life spiraled out of control. I did not set foot in a church for three years.
Delivered From Demon Possession
I was saved that afternoon and had received an invite to church a few days earlier from a friend’s brother. So, I went to church with him that Friday evening and went to the altar for prayer. I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. That night at about one o’clock in the morning, I woke up from a disturbing dream. I began to pray. Then, I felt led to read Psalm 91 which I did and began to cry as I sensed the Spirit of the Lord.
At that point, I felt led to waking my sister and brother-in-law, who I lived with, to pray for me at two a.m., and they complied. They prayed for me, and they cast out the demons! The Lord delivered me from demonic possession as it says in the scriptures that the demons came out with a loud voice! I give God thanks and praise!
My Ministry Service
Since then, I shared my testimony in prisons and detention centers around the state of Florida. I preached in nursing homes, churches, and shared at youth groups and prayer meetings. In 2008, I moved back to ST. Thomas at the leading of the Lord for ministry. I received ordination and started a ministry on the island called Positive Image Ministries. I preached in local churches, prisons, the hospital, as well as in our church service and meetings. We saw people saved, healed, and delivered. It was amazing!
In 2011, the Lord called me to move back to the United States. We settled in Atlanta, where I joined the National Guard at the leading of the Lord. I graduated Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training in November of 2012 as a Military Police soldier in the United States Army. I served for six years and got out in 2018. During that time, I earned two degrees. I received an Associate of Business Management, followed by a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baker College in Flint, MI, in the summer of 2018.
Taking Free Licensed Wedding Officiant Courses at CLI
Now, I am here at Christian Leaders Institute because a family member asked me to perform their wedding, and I have never done one before. Feeling a little nervous about it, I figured I should get some training. Nursing home ministry and possibly a house church also interest me. Therefore, I am praying about what the Lord would have me do.
My wife found CLI on the internet with its free licensed wedding officiant courses. So, I looked into CLI back in December, and they had good reviews and seemed legit. However, having earned two degrees primarily online, I was not excited about more online classes. The Lord kept prompting me to go back to CLI, and I am glad to be here! Thank you, CLI!
Interested in getting ordained? Check out the Christian Leaders Alliance.
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