Women’s Ministry Training Journey

Women’s Ministry Training Journey Led to CLI

My name is Laysha Trejo, and I have been on a women’s ministry training journey. I currently live in California. I joined the U.S. Navy after high school at 17 years old. There I met the love of my life, my husband, Miguel Trejo.

Being military for more than 20 years now, we have been continuously moving from place to place. Because of moving often, I have seen many women’s ministries. Those women’s ministries have been an enormous resource to me. They helped me grow in the Lord. They helped come alongside the church to fill the hunger I had to learn the Word of God.

Dreams and Goals on My Women’s Ministry Training Journey

My dream and ministry goal is to become a trained Christian leader women’s ministry leaders trainer (that was a mouth full). Providing practical advice based entirely on God’s Word is vital. Also, I want to provide tools for women to serve God’s way. The Lord delivered me from the most challenging times in my life, being away from home in the military and later a military wife. He used women’s ministry as a tool to reach me. The Bible studies, conferences, and fellowship helped me to stay plugged in.

I must admit I was a little concerned about not following through with my studies. Honestly, I have been going to college off and on for many years and still am not done. I have used all of my GI Bill college funds. So, tuition costs scared me as a stay home wife and mother of five children.

Finding CLI as God Opens Doors

However, I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to search online. Thank the Lord He revealed the Christian Leaders Institute. My scholarship at CLI has allowed me to receive the credibility and training that I crave to do ministry God’s way. Thanks so very much for your obedience, CLI!

Praise God! He goes before us. Mentors, training, and opportunities are now coming to me. Furthermore, it’s no coincidence that I am going to CLI professor Gena McCown’s women’s leadership conference. I didn’t even realize it was her conference. I “happened” to find it and felt I should go all the way to Florida from California for just one day.

Please pray for me as I continue on this women’s ministry training journey!

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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