Youth Ministry Christian Leader

Youth Ministry Christian Leader

My name is Rob Yates, and I am from Greensboro, North Carolina, in the United States of America.
Currently, I am continuing my education at Christian Leaders Institute and hope to become a Youth Ministry Christian leader. My calling is leading teenagers to the Lord. I have always felt a need to lead and work with teenagers. Even while I was a firefighter, I worked with our fire education dept teaching young people the importance of fire prevention and seatbelts. Now, since I am a retired firefighter, is the time for me to pursue this call.

I was saved and baptized at the age of ten and grew up in a Southern Baptist Church. Growing up, I went to Sunday school, VBS, and youth group. I was active in the church but just went through the motions.

Knowing God and Becoming a Youth Ministry Christian Leader 

It wasn’t until after being in the fire service for a few years that I truly started to see God and His hand in my life. I knew of God but didn’t KNOW GOD. I was called to serve but ignored that call. Then God called again and again. Still, I ignored the call. This ignoring went on for many years until I started working with our youth at our church. Our pastor approached me and asked me to work with the youth group. He told me that he believed that God was calling me in that direction. That was the push that started the active pursuit of my calling from the Lord.

My dream is to finish the courses here at Christian Leaders Institute and become a youth ministry Christian leader. I would also like to work with the homeless and possibly foster teenagers or recovering teens.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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