Grace Zishumba of Namibia – Christian Basics Graduate of the Day
Grace Zishumba –
“My name is Grace Zishumba and I am Zimbabwean but living in Namibia.
“I grew up in a christian home, being taught to lead a christian life. I then seriously gave my life to serve and labor for the Lord in 2009. In 2012 my husband and I planted a small assembly in the town we live. In that year I was ordained as the Elder of the church.
“My ministry goal is to have an intimate relationship with God and help others also realize that there is a true God and also have a walk with Him (true relationship with God). All what I want to is to let us know who this God is and worship Him in truth and in Spirit. The challenge that I meet was opposition from some Pastors of other churches who did not want another church planted in the town. My church really supported me for I am running with the vision of the church of bringing the gospel to the communities.”
Grace Zishumba Receives a Scholarship
“The scholarship of CLI is very important for my dream because it will help me to be equipped with a skill I did not have. Where I stay there is no bible school, and I only have my mentor. The course so far has equipped me and given me that hunger to stay more in the word. It has opened my eyes to many things that I did not know.
“My family is very supportive of all that I am doing and it also have helped them to grow spiritually.
“My prayer request is that I remain focused on the Lord even as persecutions come.”
Grace Zishumba has dedicated her life to serve the Lord in Namibia. With her husband, Grace Zishumba has planted a church in her town, but she has been unable to obtain good ministry training because of the lack of availability in the area. In addition to that, the pastors in the area resist Grace Zishumba’s efforts because they are against having more churches open in the area. Now Grace Zishumba seeks a scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute so that she can be better equipped to lead the church that she and her husband planted.
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