Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer – Christian Basics Graduate

Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer – “My name is Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer, and I live in Ben Wheeler Texas, U.S.A. I have found it rather hard to do ministry work here, as far too many people are focused on a worldly life instead of a heavenly life. There are far too many that brush off God’s commands and that are just too “busy” for God. There are some out there that are willing to listen and consider The Truth. It is to those people that I feel the Word can be spread, and many lives can be touched.

“When I married, my husband was a believer, and I still had yet to find the Lord. He drove my truck to work, and I noticed that he had changed that radio to KVNE. KVNE is a Christian station out of Tyler Texas. Each day as I got in my truck, I would hear the music, and it made me feel better. I remember hearing the song “Revelation” by Third Day, and it had such a huge impact on me. I asked my husband how to become a Christian, and he prayed with me. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My husband has been a great source of support and encouragement for me in my walk with God, and we spend time praying and reading the Bible together.Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer

“I feel as though I am being led into the music ministry. I have always had a passion for music, and it was music that lead me to Christ. I would love to reach others through music. I am in God’s hands, and where He chooses to lead me I will gladly go. I am trusting in God and the Holy Spirit to lead me to where I am of best use.”

Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer Receives a Scholarship

“A scholarship means the difference between furthering my walk with God through a quality education or simply doing nothing. I am disabled, and we live on a very small income. There is no way to afford traditional tuition and fees. There are no schools close, so i would have to move. This would mean relocating my family, and with my disability I would need to find new doctors and surgeons. This online education has made it possible for me to obtain a quality education and further my walk with the Lord. A scholarship means that I am able to pursue those dreams and further my knowledge and understanding of the Lord.

“I ask that you continue to pray for me as I prepare to work with our Minister of Music, and that I will be lead by the Holy Spirit to be a help to the choir and to those in our congregation. I also ask that you continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will point me onto any path that He sees fit for me to take, and that He will guide me with His love and great mercy.”

Stefenie Lovelady-Kirchenbauer completed her Christian Basic Certificate. She is now continuing on further studies at Christian Leaders Institute.

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