Mission Ghana: Michael Gyekye of Ghana

Mission Ghana: Michael Gyekye of Ghana

Mission Ghana: Michael starts out by talking about the great need for Mission Ghana in his homeland.

“I come from Ghana, located in the western part of Africa. Africans, I can say are very religious, but some are yet to discover the true God and the true religion. Where I come from many are involved in occultism and serious idol worship. Many believe in the operation of witchcraft, as many are also involved in this evil practice, so there is an adage that “There is no house without a witch or wizard”.”

Michael continues about his vision for Mission Ghana.

“The community have grown from able men and women into less productive individuals who could have committed their bodies, soul and spirit to the Most high God. Complete ignorance and wickedness have taken dominion most especially in the villages and towns, but there is hope. It is my dream that the love of God will operate supernaturally upon the land, where families will unite, nations will join ideas together, where friendship can remain, where children can be raised effectively with the love of God, where evil will be kicked away with good and brotherly love can remain.”

Michael shares the hardships he has experienced that almost led him away from Mission Ghana.

“All these can be achieved if we effectively reach out with the gospel into these towns and villages who have not yet heard about Jesus Christ. I come from a family now with three siblings and a mother. Unfortunately my father passed away after the death of my junior brother. Life as a young boy was very tough for me. My parents got separated and I alone have to live with my father. My father and I were living in a single room and I have to share with him and other girlfriends of his.”

 A local girl led him to pursue Mission Ghana

“After middle and junior high I decided to follow his footsteps by getting some girls to hang out with, but on my first time and first girl, she landed me into a prayer fellowship. In fact, in the first meetings I was going because of her since I was ignorance about Christ. On June 6, 1998, I decided to give up everything to follow Christ I gave up my life to Christ and the moment of change began speedily.”

Michael sees what a difference Mission Ghana can make.

“I was very surprised. My parents got back together, my father started a house which I am about to complete, he gave his life to Christ too, my mother and all my family got back together and more secured. My brothers and my sister all got the chance into the university and scholarships to study abroad.”

 Michaels Dream for Mission Ghana.

“I am currently in New York. It is my ministry dream to reach all with the message about the Love of Jesus. I want to reach as many as I can to spread the power of His love, compassion, mercy and grace. I want to help young ones to know about Christ and help my church to spread the gospel. I need to acquire more knowledge in Christ to help my community and the world at large, because we cannot allow ignorance to rule over our land.”

Michael shares how Christian Leaders Institute is the best way to pursue Mission Ghana.

“I believe getting a scholarship at CLI will help me more to achieve these goals. I have the desire but the cost is higher, but Christ is the overall. The funding will put me to work hard to accomplish this vision. The introductory phase of this institution alone have gone a long way to help me in my knowledge about Christ. It is difficult to fund education these days but Christ is the reason of giving and will blessed anyone who wants expand His Kingdom. Amen and God bless you.”

Michael has completed the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to expand his education for Mission Ghana thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.

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