Alaskan Christian Leader

Alaskan Christian Leader

Read the testimony of Maggie Morock, who is an Alaskan Christian leader:

My name is Maggie Morock and I am an Alaskan Christian leader. My husband and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. He is the Campus Pastor and I am the Prayer Ministry Director of our church of about 1,100 people. Less than 12% of the population of Wasilla is Christian, and Alaska is one of the least churched states in the USA. Suicide, domestic violence, drug abuse, and sexual assault are major issues in Alaska. There is a lot of work to be done by the church in Alaska. I am thankful for the call of God to work in Alaska alongside a team of amazing leaders in a body of believers that is passionate about international and local missions.

I gave my life to Jesus in July of 1996. I grew up in a very spiritual non-Christian home and spent my teen years studying New Age beliefs. I was taught to believe that Jesus was a good teacher and a good man, but that Christians were mistaken in believing he was the Son of God. They were also responsible for great tragedies against mankind, including genocide. I had never heard the complete gospel nor understood the truth of who Christ himself claimed to be.

My husband and I had been married a year and a half when he returned to the faith he was raised with. I then gave my life to the Lord. We began to seek the Lord with all our hearts. We both attended Bible College for a while and quickly found ourselves in youth ministry full-time. We were ministering to children, families, small groups, and a house church reaching our neighbors. Now we serve as campus pastors at Church on the Rock in Wasilla.

It is my ministry dream to develop a school of ministry that helps new Christians grow in their knowledge of the Word. As an Alaskan Christian leader, I want to continue to work alongside my husband in ministry. Developing and teaching classes is a goal as well as leading local and international mission teams. We desire to see life-giving churches in every community in Alaska. I believe education and ministry opportunities are a huge part of mobilizing people to reach their communities for Christ.

It was my own salvation experience and difficult childhood that first compelled me to ministry and my experiences as a new believer that gave me a passion for education. It is my belief that no new believer should have to go into debt to learn about basic Christianity, that the church should be fully able to teach and train a new believer, and that when the church is engaged in ministry according to their giftedness not only does the kingdom grow, but the believer grows in maturity and God is glorified.

The Getting Started class at Christian Leaders Institute has challenged me to intentionally study the Word for my own benefit and not just the benefit of those I minister to. The class also reminded me of the importance of evangelism and mentorship in my own life.

My church has been very supportive of my ministry, providing opportunities to grow in my gifts. I was asked to lead our prayer ministry team a year ago. This has since grown to a team of 40 with multiple training and equipping classes on prayer ministry. I was also asked to teach on prayer and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our Ascent classes for new members. The lead pastor and our central leadership team invited me to participate in the formation of classes. We are hoping these will one day lead to the creation of a school of ministry for our church.

I have been dreaming about finishing my Bible degree but do not have the financial resources. With a scholarship to CLI, I can finish my Bible degree and work towards the Master’s Degree program. With this education, I know I will have what I need to accomplish my ministry goal of teaching within a school of ministry.

Please pray for me and my husband as we lead our campus and family and I try to juggle home life, my education, and my ministry.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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