Namibia Free Bible School Training

Namibia Free Bible School Training

Namibia Free Bible School Training – My name is Elizabeth Mangundu married to Benedictus Mangundu; I am 28 years old mother to two adorable kids. We lived current in Tsumeb in Namibia. My husband applied for a job at the coastal site of Namibia, and soon we will move to Swakopmund.

I was born in Khorixas, a town village northwest of Namibia, brought up by my mother with six siblings. We are 7 of my mother children, but my oldest brother didn’t stay with us mostly he lived alone. I was baptized after eight days, they told me and was confirmed as well. But despite all this, my heart was mostly in Godly things.  There was this Pentecostal church I use to go to, my mother would get furious beat me.  She would say those churches are for crazy people.  I become born again around the age of 13, Because of my family and peer pressure, I quit. Later at the age of 14, I was raped as a virgin with no clue of what sexual relation was, I grew up thinking I’m worth nothing as in the community.  People were gossiping about me and called me all sorts of things even “HIV.”

I move to Walvis Bay and there met with my daughter’s father lived in a relationship with him for seven years, he was abusive it I thought he loved me and that’s how he is showing. In 2010 I rededicated my life to Jesus. I always felt empty, and my life was frustrated. How I came to rededicate my life was while I was in police custody. My siblings and I were in a fight.  I injured a woman and was arrested. I vowed to serve Jesus if I was released.  I was released and went straight to any congregation to receive Jesus.  The woman didn’t file charges. I did what I vowed.

After a year again I went back to the world and met my husband now in 2011. He was working in Tsumeb and that’s how I came to Tsumeb. In 2014 we both received Christ me rededicated and him.   We got married in the same year and I conceive our son in 2015 and gave birth in Feb 2016. I am studying business in my first year.

Namibia Free Bible School Training -Pastor Introduces CLI

My pastor introduced me to CLI to me this year as she is also a student at CLI. About my calling, My Pastor is soon ordaining me as a deacon and my husband as a Pastor; he is a teacher and already a deacon. I know God has a plan me in this he is training me for ministry work. In June, we are moving to Swakopmund and God’s spoke to us to go plan the ministry there as people need to hear the truth about Jesus.

CLI is important to me cause I will be able to study no matter how far it may be. And financially it helps as I am allowed to study without cost. I will use all the knowledge in our Ministry.

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1 reply
  1. Herman L Robinson
    Herman L Robinson says:

    I to am searching for more knowledge under Jesus Christ.This is his world by which we serve in God. Amen to his kingdom in Jesus Christ the Lord and saviour of the heavens and earth.

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