Minister Training – Training the B Team – Jesus Did It
Minister Training – Pastor Bob De Vries preached a stirring message yesterday about the training method of Jesus. Jesus called ordinary people, some of them hardly educated, the “B” team. He schooled his leaders in an 18 month minister training course, which included mentorship, teachings, and practical experience. We call that discipleship.
Minister Training – Three Lessons
First, He really did call a “B” team. Jesus called leaders for minister training who had much less than a college diploma (Fisherman). He called leaders with a past (Saul of Tarsus). Jesus called outsiders (Matthew, the Tax Collector).
Third, minister training is necessary. Jesus did not just call them and send them. He spent time with them giving them teachings about the kingdom and solid doctrine, which have been passed on to us. He mentored them about life issues. He also sent them out two by two into ministry situations. Then he helped process their experiences in order to prepare them for ministry after he was gone.
Christian Leaders Institute is seeking to mirror that method of Jesus for minister training. Jesus still calls leaders into ministry. We welcome all leaders, but we specialize in training “B” team types. People who have a past and are now outside the normal curve. People who would not get into a seminary, but have a calling. Leaders who have little money, but will give their lives to Christ. These leaders are from everywhere the gospel has been preached. They are the spiritual children of the missionaries. They live in the inner cities of the US and Nigeria, for instance. They are the children of single moms and the poor. They are older than 70 sometimes; they are younger than 20 sometimes. They all have a story and we are glad to be part of it!
God is gathering this “”B” team and Christian Leaders Institute has found a way to keep them with their local mentor/pastor. CLI will deliver high quality minster training to these leaders with free tuition.
Are you called to ministry? Do you want to receive minister training? Click here to start filling out your application into a getting started class that secures your scholarship. Get your advanced minister training on the web brought right where you are!
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