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Old Testament Theology Course
Explore the deep connections between the Old and New Testaments in this free Old Testament theology course. Understand key Old Testament narratives, God’s redemptive story, and their continued relevance for Christian life today. Ideal for those preparing Bible studies or sermons, this course helps you grasp the Old Testament’s foundational role in God’s plan for salvation and the life of Christ.
Course Overview:
This course reveals the continuity of Scripture, focusing on the stories of the Old Testament and how they anticipate the life and work of Christ. Part 1 summarizes the redemptive-historical story that Jesus would have learned in his youth. Part 2 develops some Old Testament themes that continue to be very important for the Christian faith and life today. Both the reflections in the book and the accompanying lectures will prove helpful to those preparing to lead Bible Studies or write sermons based on the Scriptures of the Old Testament.
Meet Your Professor:
Duane Nieuwsma - Professor of Old Testament Theology
Following his graduation from Dordt College in 1971 and pursuing graduate studies in the History and Philosophy of Science at the Universities of Wisconsin and Toronto, Duane began his ministry career in 1973 as a Christian High School teacher and lay leader in the church. In 1986, responding to a special call of God, he returned to school to prepare for pastoral leadership. He subsequently graduated from Tyndale and Calvin Seminaries and pastored churches in Battle Creek and Dorr, Michigan
You will Learn and Grow in the Following Topics:
- Be able to identify and explain the significant events in the redemptive-historical story of the Old Testament. That story, after all, is a significant part of the history of what God has done and is doing for you in Jesus Christ.
- Gain practice in rightly reading and explaining the narratives of the Old Testament, both avoiding moralism and appreciating how these Scriptures lay a foundation for understanding the fullness of God’s reclamation of his entire Creation.
- Understand the continuity between the Old and New Testaments. In particular, be able to explain the significance of the Abrahamic Covenant and the Tabernacle/Temple in the Old Testament and what they mean in light of the New Covenant under which Christians now live.
- Become familiar with some of the Old Testament support for biblical teachings commonly derived from the Scriptures of the New Testament—teachings on such things as the Creator/Creature distinction, rebellion against God, and how God both provides an answer for sinful rebellion and actually reconciles sinners to himself, the primary ways God provides to help us embrace his priorities, some significant areas in which disciples are challenged, and biblical wisdom on marriage, family, and stewardship.
What Other Students Are Saying....
“This course has deepened my understanding of Old Testament theology, particularly in how God’s covenant with His people shapes both historical and modern ministry practices. The focus on understanding God's faithfulness to Israel, His expectations of His people, and the foundational role of the Old Testament in revealing God's character has provided a stronger theological basis for my preaching and ministry work. This will help me in providing a more biblically grounded approach to counseling, teaching, and guiding my congregation. I appreciated the comprehensive approach to Old Testament theology, especially the focus on God’s ongoing relationship with His people. The inclusion of key figures like Abraham, Moses, and the prophets, and how their stories interweave with God’s larger plan, was particularly enlightening. The way the course highlighted God's justice, mercy, and the expectations He set for His people has been invaluable for shaping my understanding of God's nature.”
Marshall Hamelton
“The comprehensive theological foundation of this course has equipped me with knowledge invaluable in serving as a military chaplain. The course's thorough treatment of suffering and faith was particularly relevant to providing spiritual counsel to service members facing combat stress, deployment challenges, and personal hardships. The study of God's sovereignty and human freedom offers a fresh perspective on helping military personnel reconcile their faith with their professional duties. The course's emphasis on understanding Scripture in its proper context has affirmed my ability to provide sound biblical guidance while respecting the diverse religious backgrounds I will encounter in military settings.The course's progressive approach to building theological understanding was very effective. The integration of historical, theological, and practical applications throughout each unit created a bridge between academics and practical ministry applications.”
Juan GonzalezRamos
“One key takeaway from this class is the biblical foundation for marriage, gender relations, generosity, and handling materialism. The lessons on effective communication, cooperation, and commitment within marriage are directly applicable to pastoral counseling and teaching about healthy relationships. Additionally, the focus on the lovingkindness of God throughout Scripture and how this theme ties into God's redemptive plan has deepened my understanding of how to guide others in spiritual growth. These insights can help address the real-world struggles congregants face, providing them with biblical wisdom that resonates in today’s context. I appreciated the depth and breadth of biblical themes covered, particularly the detailed exploration of Old Testament foundations for topics like gender roles, marriage, and materialism. The emphasis on how these themes tie into the larger redemptive narrative was especially meaningful, as it aligned well with a holistic view of Scripture.”
Adam Holzer
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- Further Your Theological Knowledge