Christian Leaders Institute in French (CLI in French) is a branch of Christian Leaders Institute that offers ministry and theological training courses in the French language. It was created to meet the needs of French-speaking believers around the world who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Bible and prepare for effective ministry service.

Mission of CLI in French

The primary mission of CLI in French is to make Christian educational ministry accessible to anyone who feels called to serve, regardless of their financial or geographical situation. CLI in French provides quality training that equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to serve in various ministry roles, whether within their local churches or broader communities.

Courses and Curriculum

The courses offered by CLI in French cover a wide range of subjects, including Biblical studies, theology, leadership, pastoral care, and discipleship. Students can study at their own pace and gain certifications that prepare them for roles such as pastors, church leaders, missionaries, or volunteers. The curriculum is designed to be both practical and grounded in Christian principles, ensuring that students are well-prepared to apply what they learn in their daily lives and ministries.

Accessibility and Support

CLI in French is committed to offering free or low-cost education to all French-speaking individuals, making it possible for anyone, regardless of their financial resources, to pursue their calling in ministry. The platform is fully accessible online, and the courses are designed to be easy to follow, even for those who are new to formal theological studies.

In summary, Christian Leaders Institute in French is an invaluable resource for French-speaking Christians who wish to grow in their faith, receive ministry training, and become leaders in their communities. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and spiritual tools needed to make a lasting impact in the Kingdom of God.

French Christian Leaders Institute Testimony

Christian Leaders Institute asks our French students to share their testimonies. Here is a testimony from Tatiana Charles from Haiti. This testimony is written in French and then translated into English.

In French:

Je suis Tatiana Charles. Je suis haïtienne et je vis en Haïti.Je suis agronome de profession, j’ai également étudié les sciences juridiques et j’ai un faible penchant pour les enfants.
Haïti est un pays sous developé aujourd’hui gangsterisé.Un pays avec une grande histoire qui,devasté par ses propres fils se laissant convoités par les vices de ce monde.Pas d’union,pas d’amour,pas de charité,pas de tolérance.La méchanceté fait rage.On vit dans un climat de peur.Au delà de ses rivalités,l’Evangile ne cesse de prêcher partout dans ce pays.Ainsi,après une longue période de souffrance avec une maladie,òu les hopitaux ne pouvaient rien faire,je me suis donné à Dieu qui lui même m’a guéri et restauré.Aujourd’hui je suis déterminée à servir le Seigneur Jésus quoique je suis la seule personne de ma famille qui accepte le Seigneur Jésus.Je me laisse guider par cet appel tout en restant dans la soumission.
Sachant que Dieu n’appelle personne aux hasard,une telle bourse va m’aider à mieux connaitre Dieu,à me concentrer sur mon appel et à être un modèle pour les autres plus précisément ma famille .Ainsi,via mon comportement, mes enseignements,eux aussi auront la possibilité d’accepter le Seigneur Jésus Christ comme Maitre et Seigneur .
Chaque jour,je me sens impuissante face aux manquements des enfants de mon pays, une prière envers eux,envers les plus défavorisés et les jeunes comme moi qui sont traumatisés par le phénomène de kidnapping me serait très urgente.
Je vous remercie par avance pour l octroiement de cette bourse qui va m aider dans l’accomplissement de mon ministère.Que le bon Dieu bénisse abondamment ce noble travail qu’effectue ILC Dans le monde.

French Christian Leaders Institute Testimony In English

I am Tatiana Charles. I am Haitian, and I live in Haiti. I am an agronomist by profession, and I have also studied legal sciences. I have a special affection for children.

Haiti is a developing country, now plagued by gangs. It is a country with a great history, devastated by its own people who have been seduced by the vices of this world. There is no unity, no love, no charity, no tolerance. Wickedness is rampant. We live in a climate of fear. Despite these rivalries, the Gospel continues to be preached throughout this country.

After a long period of suffering from an illness, where the hospitals could do nothing, I gave myself to God, who healed and restored me. Today, I am determined to serve the Lord Jesus, even though I am the only person in my family who has accepted the Lord Jesus. I let myself be guided by this calling while remaining in submission to it.

Knowing that God calls no one by chance, such a scholarship will help me to know God better, to focus on my calling, and to be a model for others, especially my family. Through my behavior and teachings, they too will have the opportunity to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Master and Savior.

Every day, I feel powerless in the face of the challenges faced by the children of my country. A prayer for them, for the most disadvantaged, and for young people like me who are traumatized by the phenomenon of kidnapping is urgently needed.

I thank you in advance for granting me this scholarship, which will help me in the fulfillment of my ministry. May God abundantly bless the noble work that ILC is doing around the world.