Women’s Ministry Program
My name is Wendy, and I live in New Jersey, United States of America. I am studying for credentials in the Women’s Ministry Program at the Christian Leaders Institute. For the past 22 years, I have worked with special needs children and plan to retire soon. In retirement, I hope to use the new skills I am learning at CLI to help women who have been through trauma and succeed in overcoming adversity.
I am very blessed, as I have a fantastic husband, four children, and one grandchild. I have a BS in Psychology and advanced Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) training. Further, I am a classical Vocal Instructor. I have been a youth pastor in several churches, and although I love that ministry, God has been tugging at my heart to go in a different direction now.
Life Changing Event
On October 15, 1983, my life changed dramatically when I went to a concert with a friend. I had no idea what was in store that evening, but I’m grateful for going! A concert sounded great since I grew up in a musical family! I was 19 and living independently since I had a great job.
When we arrived at the venue, I realized it was a Christian concert. It was a great show. At the show’s end, there was a call to choose Jesus as my Savior. I answered the altar call and accepted Him into my heart, and I haven’t turned back. Like most people, I am not perfect and have fallen several times. However, Jesus is always merciful and kind. He helps me regain my footing every time.
My Background Story
Previous to this event, I was a pretty worldly kid. Even though my parents sent me to a private Christian school, I hooked up with the wrong crowd. Drinking, drugs, and promiscuity with no sense of right or wrong was how I lived. After two years, they expelled me when I was high on drugs in class. I went back to public school and got lost in the crowd.
In my senior year, my boyfriend got me pregnant and talked me into terminating the child. After that, I completely lost myself and tried to end my life several times. My parents sent me to counseling. They diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder, depression, and anxiety. I hated myself and carried all the guilt of killing my unborn child. Abortion is an ugly thing and very hard to bear. The guilt was unbearable. My drug and alcohol usage increased, and I felt so lost.
My Freedom and Change in Christ
I attended the aforementioned concert the following year and found the answer in Jesus. It took some time for the self-loathing to go away, but God’s grace delivered me from the pain, addiction, and mental issues. What a mighty God we serve!
I have served in many capacities while trying to find my way. I worked in Youth Ministry and Young Life, led Vacation Bible Schools, planned and participated in five mission trips abroad and the US, and led a children’s street ministry in a dangerous city in my area. God was preparing me all along the way.
Study in the Women’s Ministry Program at CLI
My education from CLI in the Women’s Ministry Program will help me serve women who walk the same roads I walked down. I hope to help them to find freedom, deliverance, and peace. I have an active podcast and website blog to reach women who need Jesus and women who want to multiply salvation in women. God touched my heart with this calling, and I am ready to answer. Christians Leaders Institute came along at the perfect time!
Finding CLI is such a gift from God. To be credible, we should show that we are willing to work for it by putting our actions ahead of our words. I have already learned so much in the several classes I have taken in the Women’s Ministry Program! I am excited to be a part of this amazing ministry. My heart is grateful. Best wishes to all who read this! God bless you!
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When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.
The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:
- Ministry Awards, Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees with the Christian Leaders Institute.
- Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities.
Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.
Find out more about women in ministry here.