Bible Classes Online at CLI


My name is Tammi Stepney, and I live in the USA. I am interested in personal development, a deeper study of the Word, and ministry in general. I am an ordained administrator and teacher and volunteer in those areas of my church. However, God has given me a desire to become a minister. Therefore, I am focusing on taking these Bible classes online and getting more traditional ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here).

My Spiritual Journey

Although I knew of God and the church, my family did not attend. It wasn’t until high school that I started attending church. After a few visits, I gave my life to Christ. Although I paid attention and learned lots of things, my focus was not on Jesus. During those years, the church was an escape and a safe place for me. I spent all the time I could there. On Sunday, I went to two services, midweek Bible study, choir rehearsals, and volunteered to teach Vacation Bible School and do nursery work. Whatever I could do to be in church, I did it, and I remained there until college.

During and after college, church and any relationship with Christ on my end were barely existing. I tried many times to go back and dedicate myself. However, I would end up back living a sin-filled life. One day, I told God that it just wasn’t working. I kept trying to get it right but kept failing. In my simplistic understanding at the time, I told God that it must not be my time, so when He was ready for me to let me know. It’s funny every time I think back on it. As if God doesn’t want us at any time to love and follow Him.

God’s Call

On May 9, 2001, my friend in the ministry called and told me that the Lord said, “Now is the time.” I couldn’t believe it! She used my words! I had never told that story to anyone. I cried and had no words. She invited me to church that Sunday. It happened to be Mother’s Day.

I always admired the women leaders in the church when I regularly attended and said that if I ever got it right, I wanted to be like them. How fitting that God chose this day! Of course, the message that day was about the women in the church, their role, and posture. I sat and cried the entire service. So much so that when the Pastor made the altar call, he had to come to me! I gave my life to Christ that day, joined the church, and been in Christ and that church ever since.

Studying at CLI to Get Positioned to Serve

A few months after joining and attending classes, I became the church administrator. I have taken ministry classes, become an ordained teacher, done evangelism, helped restructure the church, and so much more. Over the years, I married, had children, and supported my husband in his ordination and service as a Pastor in our church. I gradually became more focused on doing the work of the ministry than my relationship with Christ. Not that I lost it as in times past. It was not being developed as I would expect for someone with 20 years in ministry and a Pastor’s wife.

Now I am prioritizing my time and spending more time redeveloping my personal walk with God. Taking these Bible classes online at CLI and spending more time in the Word will definitely assist me in this area. Further, I know the Lord is calling me to more. Therefore, I am preparing myself to be ready when that time comes.