Road to Women’s Ministry Training
Religious Beginning
Hello to all! My name is Felicia Hudson. I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute on my road to Women’s ministry training (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here).
Born in 1964, I am the youngest of six siblings. I presently live in New York State, USA, where I work in healthcare for the state. I did not grow up in a Christian household. However, I would later realize how important Christianity is to one’s well-being. I was baptized in the 1980s under the Baptist Faith and did not always hold close to my faith. To some degree, I attribute this to the lack of a strong religious foundation growing up as a child.
During my teenage years, I experienced some significant spiritual warfare. At this time, I learned that Satan was a real and powerful force. I felt confused, alone, and did not know where to turn. Fortunately, a relative introduced me to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I do not study with them now, but I am thankful for the introduction to religion.
Call to Ministry
I am responding to my call to ministry. I did not run away or ignore my calling. But, the fact is that I did not know what it was. So, I went to school and obtained a Master’s Degree in Human Resources from Penn State. Also, I have taken some classes at Liberty University for Christian Counseling.
Despite all this education, I was not where I wanted to be. So, I asked God to show me what He wanted me to do. One day while surfing the internet for Christian jobs, Christian Leaders Institute popped into the search engine. I decided to look into the school hard-pressed against more education. However, I could not resist the opportunities offered and knew this was where I should be. So, I signed up immediately and began my studies.
Road to Women’s Ministry Training
This is my first endeavor at ministry training. Presently, I am taking the Women’s Ministry track and look forward to becoming ordained. Once completed, I would like to mingle this with all my hard-earned education and obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Leadership at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. In addition to some religious classes at Liberty University, I have also completed a discipleship program at my local church. I never thought of myself as a minister, and it has been a bumpy ride getting to this point. Thank God for not giving up on me and then showing me the way. God bless you and your future endeavors!