Formal Bible Education at CLI


My name is Ann Kimathi from Kenya in East Africa, and I am getting a formal Bible education at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible courses, Click Here). I married in 2005, and God blessed us with a daughter, Grace, age 15, and a son, Timothy, age 10.

Coming to Know Jesus

The fourth born in a family of five, I grew up in the countryside near one of the big cities in Kenya called Nanyuki. We attended a Roman Catholic church near our home, and I was never exposed to any other Christian beliefs. As a teenager in high school, two of my classmates talked to me about Jesus Christ. That was the first time, I heard about the saving grace of God and his love for me.

I received Christ as my personal Savior, and from there, things happened quickly. For instance, when I joined the Christian Union for the Sunday service, I got the infilling of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. At first, I didn’t understand. However, the mature born-again students explained it to me. After times of teaching, I understood and really enjoyed my walk of faith.

My parents were very much against my new faith. But, even with so much opposition from my family, I persisted and thus far the Lord has brought me. God has laid out a phenomenal path for me, and I only thank him. After high school, I got so many challenges with colleges, but finally, I got through a Primary teachers training college and currently am a teacher.

Further Growth

Later, I joined the Full Gospel churches of Kenya where I started a children’s ministry. I taught children the Word of God. Then, I moved to the capital city of Nairobi where I currently live with my family. For many years now, I have fellowship in a local church by the name of Uzima Centre (translated Zoe….life of God). I also joined the children’s ministry there.

After some time, my pastor, who is also my mentor, introduced me to an organization that trains kingdom children’s workers or Sunday School teachers. They give us materials to use in teaching children. I became more effective as a children’s worker. Later, they trained me to be a trainer of Sunday School teachers. So, I do this with much satisfaction. We train children’s workers from different denominations.

Formal Bible Education at CLI

Because of this, I considered getting more knowledge of God and the Bible. I want to be an effective teacher concerning faith in God. That is when I found the Christian Leaders Institute. I have learned in the Connection Class that we minister out of our reality with God. My mentor also says you can’t take people where you have never been.

My spiritual dream is to know Christ more, be transformed into His image, and teach people everywhere about Christ. More specifically, to teach children about God. I also want to encourage kingdom children’s ministry workers to develop a relationship with God as we nurture generations for Him.

I wanted to get Bible training at a Bible College. However, it became difficult because of work and family. I thank God I was introduced to CLI. After checking their website and knowing more about them, I got an urgency to enroll to get a formal Bible education. Getting a scholarship with CLI will equip me for the ministry and help me to achieve my spiritual dream. May God bless CLI and all the sponsors!