Courses in Ministry to Answer God’s Call


My name is Silver-Leigh Barrows, and I reside in Toronto, Ontario in Canada. Before enrolling as a Christian Leaders Institute student, I obtained diplomas through ICS Canada in Occupational Therapy Aide, Child Psychology, and Business Management. I feel honored to be at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). It has been the best decision I have made. The CLI courses in ministry have captivated me, and I feel encouraged to continue my studies at this excellent institute. Being a part of CLI makes me feel like I am working towards my purpose in Ministry. Also, I have learned so much about what it means to walk the path of the Lord and proclaim His gospel through their courses in ministry.


From my youngest of memories, I remember talking openly and freely with God. I remember God revealing my purpose and the blessings he would grant me in having a brother and a sister. I always felt delighted in talking to the Lord. In my heart, I knew that God was my best friend and Father. God loved and cared for me so much. He was a constant comfort in my life from a tender age.

At the age of four, I knew that I would help a lot of people. God planted that seed inside of me. I eagerly wanted to help and was excited for what the Lord revealed. God also told me that I would have many hardships but that he would still be with me. Being so happy that I could help many people, I didn’t dwell on the difficulties. The end goal was to help people, and that was more important.

As a little girl, I delighted to go to my grandma’s church and sing my heart out for the Lord. At the age of eleven, I was an altar server girl. I remember feeling assured, just like when I was four, that I was meant to be a preacher. So, I told my mom. In elementary school, I received the Christian Living Award on graduation day for the service I did in the church and the school as a peer mediator. I desired to be close to God and serve.


In my mid-twenties, I thought I had it made. I had a career in downtown Toronto, my own place, a great social life, and could afford everything. However, I gave myself credit for all my success as I lived on my own since 16. I felt like I didn’t need anyone because I was an independent woman doing it all for myself. Thankfully, the Lord humbled me. I had three recurring dreams where the Lord revealed I would lose everything but gain everything. God showed me that I would stop working, give up everything in my apartment, and downsize to a room rental. I also would lose all of my friends.

I tried to bargain and reason with God. However, in the third dream, God told me that I must go through this, and I’m so happy He allowed for all of it to happen. In losing everything, I learned that God is the one that gives opportunities, provides, and blesses. Everything I am and every opportunity are because of the Lord and His love and mercy for me. All of the glory and honor belong to the Lord God.

Saving Grace

I’ve dealt with many hardships from the time I was a little girl until my adulthood. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, and verbal/emotional abuse, to name a few of them. I’ve been bullied within my family, elementary school, and in the workplace. By the age of 27, it was the second attempt I made to end my life. Wanting to end the suffering, I didn’t see a way out.

Then, I had a compelling spiritual experience in which the Lord God affirmed that He exists and that He had a lot of work for me to do. I asked God, “What is my purpose?”  Shortly after that, I received a spiritual dream. It was my call to ministry. At the age of 30, I spoke to a pastor about my dream, and he affirmed that I received a call to minister and recommended that I take courses in ministry. Then, I revealed the vision to my mom, and she, too, confirmed that it was a call to ministry. My call was the most beautiful spiritual experience.

My Spiritual Dream

The following is the experience I had. I was taken to this place above the clouds. There were people of all nationalities and ages. Yet, I instinctively knew that we were all one. There was a large crowd of people, and we could hear each other without speaking a word. People were being called one by one as the chatter continued amongst the people waiting. An elder man said, “Family, come forth,” and all was silent. I was surprised that my body began moving forward. Three men I had never met were alongside me. Everyone around us came closer in a circle, and all were silent.

Twin girls aged six approached the elder man and asked if they could be a part of the family. Everyone smiled at their enthusiasm. The elder man bent down to the girls and said, “I have another special assignment for you.” The girls gave the elder man a big smile, nodded, and stepped back. I was led to a gate and saw a golden city, the most beautiful site I had ever seen. Words cannot define the city’s beauty.

My Spiritual Dream Continued

The gate was opened, and I was brought to a shiny castle. I was taken to an elevator and brought before a court of a council of men of an ancient time in robes. Then, I was guided to a room, and immediately, I felt the presence of God. There was a great light that shone brighter than the sun, but it didn’t burn my eyes. I felt the most incredible love, the love of a Father that has my best interest at heart.

I was asked to come forward, and I was presented with a book. Instinctively, I knew it was the book of my life story. There was one section lit up for me to see. I wanted to see more but dared not ask. When I first looked down to read, the writing was not in a language I understood. However, in a blink of an eye, I was able to see it in English that I understood. I read that I was to lead a Revolution and serve God greatly and lead his people.

The Challenge

However, I was shocked and took a step back. I told God that He had the wrong girl! He knew how I was and what I’d done. Although Id always wanted to help people, this was much more than what I asked for! I couldn’t do it! God chuckled at me like when a father chuckles at his little girl. God told me that I liked to be challenged and that I chose this. At that moment, I knew this dream was real because my mother had told me once that I always preferred the most challenging assignments. I like to be challenged, and my mom liked that about me. God told me that I had agreed to this, that I would do this as it is written. Then, I woke up.

Free Courses in Ministry at CLI

I still didn’t believe I could fulfill my purpose until the age of 33. Now I am working towards my calling. I feel as if I’ve been born again just now, starting my life. Clearly, the Lord called me to serve! My memories of being four and eleven years old surfaced, reminding me that all things are possible through God! If God has ordained me to serve, I will serve Him and fulfill that burning desire to help people. I remember a time when I read in the New Testament about the disciples and how they spread the gospel. I was so inspired and wanted to do that very same thing. In prophecy, the Lord told me that I would be a fisherman of souls. Now, I believe it!

When I’m taking the Christian Leaders Institute courses in ministry, I am taking steps forward to live in my purpose and calling. These are the best courses in ministry I have ever taken! I’m excited about this spiritual journey and am thankful for God’s grace, direction, and love. I am a living testament of God’s mercy and grace. To God be the glory!



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.