

Become Confident In Your Christian Literacy


Christian Leaders Bible Study Edition – The Bible Study edition links the course lectures, 
the Bible links, and includes 12 Bible studies that connect to the chapters’ topics. These 12 small group Bible studies are suited for you to lead a Christian Literacy course. It is ideal for personal, marriage, family, friends, church group, or home school study. This version also comes in a paperback.


Curious about Christianity? Whether you’re a Christian leader, a student at Christian Leaders Institute, or exploring the faith, the paperback edition of “What is Christianity?” by Dr. Edwin Roels provides essential teachings. Students praise its clarity and depth, helping them reaffirm their beliefs and better understand key biblical topics. It’s an invaluable resource for strengthening your knowledge and sharing the gospel.

View The Book Here

There are over 2.3 billion professed Christians globally, but many are asking, “What is Christianity?”

For some, Christianity is the family religion. For others, Christianity is a lifestyle or moral code. A large number understand their Christianity by going to a church service or mass.

Over 59% of Christians in America, a majority of US adults, say that the Holy Spirit is a force, not a personal being. – Christianity Today

The Millennial and Generation Z groups have little Christianity literacy. Religion professors at Christian colleges and universities have noticed this.  wrote,

I teach at a Catholic university where increasing numbers of my students lack even basic knowledge of the tradition they were supposedly raised in. Source

She also says that the younger generations are not leaving their concept that there is a god.

Some are eclectic, creating their own spirituality from elements of various religious or spiritual traditions: yoga, angels, or Native American dreamcatchers, or even secular culture like Harry Potter. Source

Christianity is a topic that most people are ill-informed about. At Christian Leaders Institute, tens of thousands of students have completed the Christian Basics course. We have also received thousands of comments which confirm the fact that ignorance and confusion over the Christian faith is still out there.

One Christian Leaders Institute student wrote,

There are still many people who believe that being a good person will earn them a place in heaven.  One of my best friends is one of those people.  As a young child, I grew up in a Baptist school that led us young people to believe that if we misbehaved we could lose our salvation.  It wasn’t until later in my adult life and reconfirmed when taking this course that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned. It is freely given to those who ask.  How we live our life after receiving salvation should reflect our sincerity to the gift and being sinless is impossible.  This course gave me the Biblical proof to share with my best friend and others that good works are not equal to salvation and cannot buy a place in Heaven.



With all the false narratives about what Christianity truly is and who God is, it can be hard to truly understand it for yourself. Christian Leaders institute is here to help you! We offer free Christian courses, all 100% Bible based, to provide you with Scriptural truth, Biblical wisdom, and applicable practices. 


Many of our courses are shaped around helping our students to further and deeper understand the Bible, Christianity, God and how to apply your faith to your life. Below are some classes to help introduce you to what Christianity truly is.


Christian Leaders Publishing makes the course materials available to the public through Kindle. Start studying the essential teachings of Christianity on your phone, tablet, or Kindle reader. Your device must have internet access. There are two Epub What is Christianity? versions.

  1. Christian Leaders Edition – The Christian Leaders edition links actual course lectures from Dr. David Feddes and Bible links. This version is for Christian Leaders Institute students who are already enrolled and want an epub copy of the course materials with scripture and lecture links. This Christian Leaders version is also for those who want to audit the course without enrolling as a Christian Leaders Institute student. All the materials, lectures, and links of the course are available, but you do not take any tests. If you connect with the subject matter, you can always sign up later for an account. Purchase the Christian Leaders Edition. Click Here
  1. Christian Leaders Bible Study Edition – The Bible Study edition links the course lectures, 
    the Bible links, and includes 12 Bible studies that connect to the chapters’ topics. These 12 small group Bible studies are suited for you to lead a Christian Literacy course. It is ideal for personal, marriage, family, friends, church group, or home school study. This version also comes in a paperback.

Christian Leaders Institute is spreading Christian Literacy throughout the globe. Secular universities and news media want to reduce Christianity to claims that are not even central to Christianity at all.

Christian Leaders Institute wants to spread Christian Literacy so people can decide for themselves what they think about Christianity’s claims.

Do you need more Bible Literacy?

Read Study the Bible Online