What if there was free influence training for busy moms who need to study at night? What about those who cannot afford to go to college?

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free influence training in over 180 countries. What type of influence? Christian influence. Inspired by the Bible, CLI offers over 100 courses with ministry, enterprise, divinity, philosophy, chaplaincy, and life coaching programs. CLI is also connected with the Christian Leaders Alliance, which offers licensed and ordained clergy training programs.

Who is this free influence training for?

This training is for anyone called by God to make a difference in this world in the name of Jesus Christ. It is for Christian leaders who want to go deeper in their confidence, competence, and credibility to influence more lives into a walk with God.

Before the internet, there was no free influence training available at the scale it can be today. Today, Christian Leaders Institute, supported by vision partners, including kingdom supporters and student supporters, can offer free opportunities to anyone with an internet connection on a phone, tablet, or computer.

We are noticing new groupings of people are signing up for this free influence training at CLI. We are noticing mothers with younger children are desiring to study ministry. Here is the story of one such mother.

Free Influence Training

Hi! My name is Tricia, and I live in Georgia with my husband and three small children. I am a Licensed Esthetician and have also earned an Associate’s Degree. I grew up in a God-loving family, so I had a relationship with God since my youth. We attended church regularly and prayed over family meals. My grandmothers were an integral part of my childhood, and they were strong models of love and conviction. I am so grateful for that!

As I got older, I became distracted by my busy life and college, work, and marriage challenges. Over time I slowly disconnected from my faith. It was no longer a part of my daily life or general way of life.

Motherhood ultimately brought me back to God! In 2017, I delivered amazingly perfect twin boys! My first child was not yet two years of age. I had three beautiful children depending on me, but I was suffering physically and from Postnatal Depression and Anxiety. This brought me to my knees in so many ways. I was both desperate and committed to regaining my health and being the mother my children deserved. Embarking on a long healing journey rekindled my spiritual connection in a way I could not have imagined. I am so grateful for the painful experience that brought me back to God. I know without a doubt that Jesus Christ was always by my side and integral in my healing.

Free Influence Training Needed

I have since committed my life to further developing my relationship with God and being of service. My heart has never been so fulfilled, compassionate, and peaceful. Truly, I was born again. My deepest desire is to help ease others’ suffering by sharing God’s love as I also continue to deepen my walk with God.

My goal is to finish my Bachelor’s Degree through CLI’s Leadership Excellence School and complete the Life Coach Minister program and official ordination.

Christian Leaders Institute is an incredible blessing in my life! As a mom to three toddlers, CLI has brought free influence training into my home to not choose between school and family. I can continue working part-time, spending my days with my family, and dedicate my evenings to ministry training simultaneously. This is a dream come true! Accessibility due to distance, time, and finances has been fully overturned due to CLI! May this generous model of education bless all the world!

Learn more about how Christian Leaders Institute offers free influence training throughout the world. A core belief is that the study of the Bible will increase our influence.

Has someone asked you to perform a wedding? Check out the options at Christian Leaders Alliance.