Free Training for Marketplace Calling

My name is Emelda, and I am receiving free training for my marketplace calling at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here).  I am from South Africa and a graduate in Social Sciences. Being a Christian leader where I live takes a lot of commitment. While people believe in Jesus, and many of them are Christians, there is still a number who mix Christianity with ancestral worship. They do not understand why this practice is wrong because Christianity is deemed an “imported” western religion.

Gifts and Challenges in Life

I had a great childhood and grew up in a Christian environment. Both my mother and father took Christianity seriously for all their children. We children attended church even though my father would not. I started having prophetic dreams when I was five years old but did not recognize them as such at that time. My failure to understand what God was communicating with me led me to make mistakes in life. I grew bitter against my father for deserting my whole family. So, I lived a life in rebellion to him and also to God.

After a while, I discovered my father had cancer. God had shown me that this would happen so many times years before, yet I ignored it. I realized God also warned me about my father leaving us his family, yet I had not done anything about it. I prayed that God would heal my father and forgive me for the bitterness I had carried in my heart for so long. It had stifled the plans of God to use me as a spiritual watchman over my family.

Free Training for My Marketplace Calling at CLI

Sadly, my father passed on while he was away before we could see him. I blamed myself for a long time and could not forgive myself. Yet God forgave me and continued to communicate with me prophetically. To honor my late father’s life and make up for my rebellious past, I made a vow to God. I would honor what God wanted to establish in my life and obey whatever His Word commanded. As I sought the Lord more, He impressed upon me the great commission verse in Mathew 28 as well as a call to leadership in Isaiah 55:4. As God dropped these scriptures in my heart, I shook under God’s anointing call. I remembered Saul’s experience on his way to Damascus, and I knew I could not rebel against God’s will anymore.

My dream is to effectively share the gospel through evangelism and transform the marketplace by reforming it with Christian values. I had no idea about the marketplace calling. However, I knew I would be equipped to be effective both in ministry and in entrepreneurship when I came across the Christian Leaders Institute. Free training for my marketplace calling was essential for me. I have small kids, and I need the convenience and affordability that the Christian Leaders Institute provides.

I use my training to preach the gospel effectively and drive towards my goal of impacting the marketplace.


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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